There are 27 patterns used to make up Roman numerals from 1 to 999. The patterns are put in order from largest to smallest as we read from left to right, which is true for Hindu-Arabic numerals as well.
1 through 9. With these patterns the first symbol is either I or V.
I = 1
II = 2
III = 3
IV = 4 (one before five)
V = 5
VI = 6
VII = 7
VIII = 8
IX = 9 (one before ten)
10 through 90. With these patterns the first symbol is either X or L.
X = 10
XX = 20
XXX = 30
XL = 40 (ten before fifty)
L = 50
LX = 60
LXX = 70
LXXX = 80
XC = 90 (ten before hundred)
100 through 900. With these patterns the first symbol is either C or D.
C = 100
CC = 200
CCC = 300
CD = 400 (hundred before five hundred)
D = 500
DC = 600
DCC = 700
DCC = 800
CM = 900 (hundred before thousand)
M = 1,000, but another way to write numbers past 1,000, is to put a bar over the numbers.
For example,
IX = 9,000.
Change CDXCVII into Hindu-Arabic.
We start on the left and we find CDXCVII. CD = 400, the hundreds place
Then we have XCVII. XC = 90, the tens place.
VII = 7. Put them all together and we get CDXCVII = 497.
Change DIV into Hindu-Arabic.
D = 500, IV = 4, so this is 504. In Roman numerals they had no symbol for zero, so they just left that position blank.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
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